Wednesday, November 20, 2013

1, 2, 3 # 4

I haven’t updated the blog much lately for much the same reason I usually drop off the blogging radar - uni and work. I have exams next week, so hopefully after that I jump back on the bandwagon.
Taken by S
1.    I went to my friend’s engagement party on the weekend which was a lot of fun. S and I knew a few people but not heaps and I ended up making a few friends. It’s funny how people connect and when you can tell that you could get along really well with someone, but well they live interstate which makes it hard. It opens my eyes though; making friends doesn’t end as a kid. Friends come and go all the time and that’s just life. I was told at this party that S and I should start making babies as our kids will be cute. Well, yeah they will…no cuter now than when I am actually ready for kids, so let’s hold that thought shall we?
2.    One of my brothers moved to Lightning Ridge today. For those of you who haven’t heard of Lightning Ridge, it is 10 hours away and in the middle of no-where. He is going to work on a farm that is home to 15,000 sheep, wheat and other animals so have fun with that! He won’t be around for Christmas which will be hard for my parents as it’s been a few years since we’ve all been there (my fault!). I suppose that's what happens when all your kids are grown up though.
3.    The other day at work I asked a colleague if someone was pregnant (she obviously was). She wouldn’t tell me and instead started a three way instant message chat and started the conversation by saying ‘Hey, Rhi has to tell you something’. I nearly died and had no idea what she was doing. She went on to say ‘yeah, Rhi thinks you’ve put on weight’ etc etc and I am sitting there thinking omg, she isn’t pregnant, why is this floor not swallowing me right now? Turns out she is pregnant and they were both sitting there laughing at me knowing that I was going bright red and having an almost-heart attack.
P.s - I hate posting blog posts with no pictures, hence the random ones that I stick in there.


  1. Nahhh uh. Have to disagree with you on one front. The older you are the older your eggs are the less chance they will be cute hahahha. But I am talking like in your 40's, which I don't think you will wait that long.

    1. Hahaha! You are right. But I am only waiting maybe 2 years or so, so I think I am safe (hope I am safe!)

  2. I have missed many important holidays away from family too, they must be so disappointed at me. Haha, I almost said something to a pregnant lady today in the office too, cause I thought she was clearly pregnant but then bit my tongue as it was coming out just in case it sounded offensive. After all, they might be hormonal and I don't know what I'd do if I'd make her cry.

    1. It turns out both our families are going away anyway!

  3. So true regarding friendships! I've made some wonderful friends as a grown up and I absolutely love my "grown up friendships" :)

