Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Cocktails and Walks

The weekend started with pouring rain and a sleep in. Two things that sound so good in a sentence. After sitting around deciding what to do, S and I decided to head to the city to take advantage of the sales and perhaps buy someone's Birthday present. We found a good sale on Levi's and since S doesn't have to wear a suit to work, we got a couple of pairs of those for him, before heading over to the women's section to see what we could find. 

Happily, we found exactly what I wanted but that will be saved for another day. I was told to 'forget about your gift until your Birthday' and that's just what I've done. We got home and it was clear out so we took Ted out for a walk since he was playing his little 'I want to go for a walk game'. He hits me with his paw then runs to the front door and repeats until he gets what he wants. He isn't spoilt at all.

Saturday evening we headed back in to the city and went to Ichiban Boshi for dinner after a suggestion was made on twitter. What a great suggestion that was, too! It is no secret that I love Japanese food and Ichiban Boshi did not let us down. Afterwards, we headed to Grandma's Bar and met with some lovely friends for cocktails. I liked the layout of Grandma's but thought it was a bit small and cramped. 

I chose a rhubarb cocktail and was sipping on that when I saw someone ordering a cocktail that was on fire at the bar. Being a sucker for fire-lit cocktails, S went to order me my very own. What a gem he is.

Sunday was rather uneventful. A little Uni work, a bit of house work.. the usual domestic duties. I also went to the Addams Family musical with the group I volunteer with. I had a lot of fun, but I didn't love the show. I don't really love musicals though, I guess.

How was your weekend?


  1. Love that first picture! Where is it taken from?


    1. It was taken from Myer from the couch level. A good vantage point!
