These photos were taken while S was experimenting with long exposure photography. I think they turned out really well! They were taken at Clovelly beach which has proved to be quite the model for our recent photography/film making experiments of late.
Thursday, March 28, 2013
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
A good weekend indeed
We had a fun weekend this past weekend. Relaxing and soaking up the beautiful weather Mother Nature sent our way. I know I said I was looking forward to Winter, but being able to go out in to the sun is pretty special too.
Saturday S and I watched a fair bit of Homeland and then I decided I felt like cake so we went for a drive to Glebe with his little sister, D. Badde Manors is a cafe we regularly frequent and their cake selection is second to none. Unfortunately there are no photos of any of our cake because I forgot to whip the camera out. Rest assured, my cake was delicious. Triple mousse cake could never be bad though.
We walked through Glebe and found street art, so of course I needed a photo with it.
Around dusk we headed to the beach so S could try a new photography technique he had read about (photos to come later in the week). While he was taking photos, D and I were pretending to do Body Attack and yoga by the sea. Inspired by the fresh sea air, we decided that we would head back on Sunday for a beach to beach run and a swim.
And head back we did. Although since we left after 11am, it was quite hot already - too hot for a run. So we walked instead then headed back to stake a spot along the water at Clovelly. I had actually never been in to the water at Clovelly despite visiting that beach many times. I don't know if you've ever been there, but it is really hard to get in to the water! Clovelly is like a giant rock pool and rocks surround the side of the beach. Once you are in though, it is bliss.
We headed up to the cafe to eat food and as we were walking back to the car we noticed a rescue helicopter overhead. Turns out a man had been stung by a stingray and had to be airlifted from the rocks.

A good weekend, indeed.
Speaking of good things, I bought this O.P.I nail polish a couple of weeks ago from a Japanese shop on Clarence Street called Maruyu. With a $9.90 price tag, I couldn't resist. I picked my colour, paid for my polish and went home and looked at the bottom to find out what the colour was said Alpine Snow. Umm, ok. So I still don't know what it is called, but it goes on well, stays on well (I went a whole 24 hours without a chip...for me, that is a huge feat!!) and is a pretty colour. I am not complaining!
Excuse my bodgy paint job. Not my finest skill
How was your weekend?
Soaking up the weather, wherever you are?
Friday, March 22, 2013
Reading – The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern. I heard about this book from a twitter rec and have only just gotten it on my kindle. So far I am really enjoying it, though not too much of the storyline has unravelled yet.

Listening to – Flight Facilities – Amazing!
I am trying to find some good jazz music to listen to as well, so if you have any recommendations please let me know.
Watching – Homeland! I had heard so much about Homeland but thought it was probably like NCIS or something. It is so different and we are hooked!
Thinking about – Life, how to organise my days better, finishing uni, moving overseas (I’d love to live in the US at some stage of my life).
Loving – The crisp mornings that have been around of late. I love Winter and these crisp mornings are a nice reminder that Winter is just around the corner. Teddy and S!

His beard is red because he eats fresh mince for dinner
Working on – Finishing my degree, hopefully this year. Creating a garden. Not much sewing :-(
Looking forward to – A relaxing weekend, followed by a busy weekend for Easter.
Do you have any good book recommendations?
Or perhaps some Jazz music recommendations?
Thursday, March 21, 2013
365 - Week 5
Week 5 of 52 in the 365 project
Sunday 10th March 2013
Monday 11th March 2013
Tuesday 12th March 2013
Wednesday 13th March 2013
Thursday 14th March 2013
Friday 15th March 2013
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
This past weekend was spent soaking up the last day of Summer weather on Saturday and experiencing the first day of Canberra Winter on Sunday. The drive down to Canberra on Saturday was accompanied by lovely sunny weather the whole drive and stayed through all afternoon. Sunday, we woke to a chill in the air that can only indicate the arrival of the cooler months.
S’s cousins live in Canberra and we decided it was about time we high tailed down there to catch up with them. We got up at 6:30am on Saturday (so early!) and were in Canberra just before lunch time after a couple of stops for Teddy to stretch his legs and brunch at Grandma’s Bakery (Fedra Olive Grove).
We spent the afternoon lazing around and then headed down to Lake Burley Griffin for a picnic and some drinks before we got ready to head out to the city for more drinks. I’d love to say I took it easy like the original plans, but after sangria, gin and some espresso cocktails I was left a little worse for wear. I should have known no night out with the cousins is ever done in half assed efforts. There are no photos of the night because the DSLR was playing up and wouldn't focus.
Sunday was spent at S’s Uncles house nursing sore heads and eating nice food before the long drive back home. Of course, we stopped again along the way to get some photos of Lake George just like every other tourist that has ever gone to Canberra.
I miss living in Canberra. Something about Canberra still feels like home to me and the relaxed atmosphere is definitely present, unlike Sydney where everything is busy..all the time. It was a nice relaxing little getaway but I was happy to be home at the end of the weekend.
What did you all get up to over the weekend?
Thursday, March 14, 2013
365 - Week Four
Week 4 of 52
Sunday 3 March 2013
Teddy got a hair cut
Monday 4 March 2013
Tuesday 5 March 2013
Dripping tap
Wednesday 6 March 2013
Strand Arcade - Time conquers all
Thursday 7 March 2013
Not a great photo - lunch at Ivy Pool
Friday 8 March 2013
Rail tracks
Saturday 9 March 2013
Wentworth Falls
...and now I am up to date!
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
On the weekend, S and I celebrated our 6 year anniversary. We have been together since I was the ripe age of 17 and I could not have chosen another person to spend the last 6 years with. S has taught me a lot about life, love and everything in between and I will be forever grateful to have him in my life.
We didn’t really have any plans so on Saturday morning when we woke up, we decided to head to the Blue Mountains for the day. S had just gotten some more bits and pieces for the SLR and wanted to get some video. Unfortunately for some reason we both wore thongs so we didn’t get to do any proper hiking and only managed to do some short walks to see Echo Point and Wentworth Falls.

After sticking around to see the sunset, I realised it was too late to go out for dinner so we drove home and called it a night.
Sunday night I decided we would go to Pasha’s Turkish restaurant in Newtown. After only eating a small meal during the day and then working that off at the gym, I was ravenous so we headed to dinner early at 6pm. I’m not sure if it was because it was early or because it was Sunday evening, but there were only a couple of other tables there and we got our pick of where to sit - Tables or cushions. Last time I ate at Pasha’s, we ordered three plates (an entrée and two mains) to share and it was way too much food, so this time we just ordered the Dip Mezze platter and the Meat plate. The food came out quickly and there was plenty for the two of us to share.
S, I know I can be a pain in the bum. I can be annoying and moody. But I am thankful I have someone like you who is patient, loving and does the best T-Rex arms makes me laugh.
Friday, March 8, 2013
Capturing the sea
We've spent a lot of weekends lately exploring, taking photographs and capturing video of all that Sydney has to offer. This video was made by S and features Clovelly Beach on a day when the weather was fierce. It also captures bits and pieces of Maroubra Beach at sunset on a Saturday evening.
Monday, March 4, 2013
Happy Birthday, S!!
Last Sunday was S's Birthday and while I was supposed to be studying, I decided spoiling him was more important. We were still up at 12am, so we started his birthday with a drink and chat before heading to bed.
Before S woke up, I got out the helium balloon tank and blew up some balloons to put downstairs. A nice touch to any Birthday and a lot of entertainment for Teddy. It seems Ted loves to play with balloons!
Once S's family arrived, we headed out for breakfast to Vicinity in Alexandria. We'd only been there for a drink before so were keen to try out the food. The menu was limited and it seemed as though the only options were quite simple, but each meal had a little twist that made it delicious. S loves pancakes with maple syrup and bacon and whilst this wasn't on the menu, the chef was happy to change up one of the dishes so he could have brioche, bacon and maple syrup.
The food was delicious and well priced. Most breakfast meals were around $15 and the portions sizes were filling. Vicinity also does lunch and dinner and I have heard the dinner is pretty outstanding, so we'd love to go back some time and try it out.
We had hoped to go to 'The Grounds' in Alexandria for breakfast, but since that was booked out we ended up just strolling through there after breakfast. They have pigs and chickens and different herbs and vegetables that they are growing. It looks like a really great place to eat.
If you also can't get a table there, you can just go and watch the little pig foraging for whatever is hidden in the depths of all that dirt. The little one was on the go the whole time we were watching him and only picked his head up for a breather.
The Grounds also does an outdoor bacon and egg sandwich BBQ that seemed pretty popular. That and the fresh juice from the stand next to it and I'd say you've got a nice easy breakfast. There was a little flower cart and berry stand too, so something to suit everyone.
Afterwards, we went out for cake at Kurtosh in Surry Hills. The concept they have there is interesting whereby you pay for your cake per 100g slice. Lucky for us as we were all stuffed from breakfast and only needed small slivers of cake. I didn't get any pictures, but believe me when I say the cake was delicious! The cafe itself is quite large and there is plenty of seating, however they don't have air conditioning or ample windows and it was quite stuffy inside. I think Kurtosh might be more of a Winter cake and coffee destination.
S, I hope you had a great day. We all love you!!
* All photos taken on my iPhone...I forgot my camera!