S and I have been in Japan for 4 days and spent Christmas here in Hakuba. Here are a few pics of the trip so far.. Next week, we're Tokyo bound!
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Work Christmas Party
Our work Christmas Party this year was held at the Ivy in Sydney..on a Thursday. It was lovely, but a silly day for a Christmas Party. It finished at 4pm and then we all went off to the Ivy Bar.
I got rather tipsy and didn't get home until 11pm.
The next day at work was terrible! How do people go out and then work the next day?? That is the first and last time I ever do that!
I took a lot more photos but they all have work people in them, so I won't put them up.
The decorations were lovely and the food was pretty good too. I just wish it went for a little longer!
Friday, December 16, 2011
Pom Poms
I made Pom Poms at work.. We are having a Christmas Decoration Competition and since I am admin and don't actually have a team, I adopted myself to the closest team to me. Thakfully, they love my DIY efforts even though they are kind of poor!
I also made a cool star made from paper. It took ages and so I only made one. If I get more time, perhaps I will make more.
Thursday, December 15, 2011
I love a nice frittata so I was very happy when S's brother who is a chef gave me this recipe.
Asparagus, Pancetta and Coriander frittata.
Asparagus, Pancetta and Coriander frittata.
1 bunch asparagus
100g Pancetta
Half a bunch of shallots cut up
6 eggs
A dash of milk
salt and pepper to season
Half a cup of cut up Coriander
To make:
1. Take a piece of pancetta and wrap it around a stalk of asparagus and repeat with all of the asparagus.
2. Fry the asparagus/pancetta in a pan to seal the pancetta (so it doesn't fall off)
3. Take that out of your pan and then fry up your shallots
4. Whisk together your eggs and milk, season with salt and pepper
5. Cut up the asparagus/pancetta so that there are 2cm pieces.
6. Place the pieces and the shallots in an oven baking dish and pour the egg mixture over the top
7. Sprinkle the coriander over the top
8. Cook in the oven for about 10-15 minutes on about 200 degrees celcius (I have a really old oven, so we have to use it at about 200 for anything to cook)
It tastes devine.. Hopefully my recipe isn't too confusing!
Apologies about the crappy pic!
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Such a slacker!
Obviously life got the better of me and I was too busy (lazy) to blog.
I'm currently sitting at a different work desk to my own because my computer got a virus... How, I don't know. I hope they fix it soon!
Anyway, lots has happened since my last post and my life is getting busier again. I got an IPhone finally, so I will fill in my absence with photos from my phone.
I'm actually blogging from my phone, so I'm hoping this works..
I'm currently sitting at a different work desk to my own because my computer got a virus... How, I don't know. I hope they fix it soon!
Anyway, lots has happened since my last post and my life is getting busier again. I got an IPhone finally, so I will fill in my absence with photos from my phone.
I'm actually blogging from my phone, so I'm hoping this works..
A delicious cake from Black Star Pastry in Newtown
Fruit Beer (Cherry) from Tommy's Restaurant in Glebe
Early Christmas at S's parents house
Dessert at Baroque in the Rocks
Pastries from Zumbo in Manly
My little Teddy waiting for S to come home from work
A beautiful sunset
Thursday, October 6, 2011
I went on holidays and then forgot about my blog!
S and I had a great time in New Zealand. The scenery was amazing and everyone is so friendly! Here are a few snaps that I have saved on my work computer
Teddy, our dog stayed at a schanuzer boarding place and was sufficiently worn out by the time we picked him up. We were told he had a fantastic time and we are very thankful that he had such good accommodation where people loved him just as much as we do!
Since holidays, I have gotten stuck in to some uni work...so nothing too exciting.
S and I booked plane tickets to our next destination - Japan! Yay
Hakuba had the first snow drop over the weekend!
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Teddy's haircut

Blurry pic...but Teddy got his haircut on Saturday so I guess you can see the difference to what he looked like in the previous post.
The groomers we go to have changed management and the new people hurt my poor boy really badly! They pluck the dogs ear hairs and they went a little too far. He is still recovering and it is Thursday!
Have a great week everyone! I am off to NZ on Sunday.
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Shaggy Dog...
Poor Teddy hasn't been groomed since before Winter. We thought it best to leave his hair so he wouldn't be too cold..especially considering he hates his jackets we bought him. He looks like this at the moment...
Lucky he is booked in to the groomers on Saturday. I think it will be a welcome change for him because it is starting to get a lot warmer in Sydney! I will update with a pic once he is home from the groomer.
There is a blog I follow called Talk2thetrees and the owner, Rachael is an incredibly talented artist. She sells her paintings on etsy and announced not long ago that she would be making necklaces and using some of the paintings she had created.. I just love her work and so I went ahead and bought a necklace which arrived yesterday.

It is so lovely! I wore it today (to my last exam for the session, woohoo!) and I plan to wear it again tomorrow. It is so different and unique and didn't cost much either!
Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Is anyone else addicted? I spend so much time on there now. This is not a very good thing since I have exams at the moment and I already spend so much time reading blogs. But honestly, it is so interesting and gives me some really lovely ideas to use.

Great Summer recipes!
S and I will be off to NZ at the end of next week. This comes at a great time because we've both got uni exams this week. We're going to Lake Tekapo, Queenstown, Milford Sound then back up to Christchurch.
We've also booked a holiday to Japan for Christmas/New Year. At this point in time, I am actually more excited about that holiday. We're heading to the snow first and staying here:

Then we're going to Tokyo!
Friday, August 12, 2011
I love this dress..
It would be so lovely for summer..very light and airy and the colours are so beautiful! It could be paired with some nice heels for a dinner..or perhaps some sandals for lunch?

Sunday, July 17, 2011
My silly phone!
I got a Nokia N97 in March 2010..

Today, I woke up and it had turned itself off over night. When I went to bed it had full battery... after many attempts of turning it on, taking out the battery and putting it back in, charging it etc.. it still won't turn on. I think it has died :-(
I think I will go to Optus tomorrow and see if I can upgrade my phone early.. I want an Iphone and I would have liked to wait until the Iphone5 was released, but sadly I don't think I will be able to.
Other than that, I have had a lovely Sunday. S and I walked our dog to Victoria Park..then came home and I am doing a uni assignment (sigh).
How has your Sunday been?
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Last weekend, S and I had his sister and her boy friend over. We headed to the pub for dinner and then came back to our house for drinks. We decided to experiment with the camera..which ended up with us posing for the camera (not that I am any good at it!)

S and I (i'm on my tippytoes for some reason)
Doing a 'doppleganger' photo
Painting with light
It was a great night!
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Things I love....
I love....
This ring..
Source: Blue Nile
This band...
Source: Seeker Lover Keeper
This watch
Source: Hermes
I have been a bit of a slacker with the blogging world. I have been super busy with work and uni. I will make more of an effort to update!
Thursday, June 9, 2011

I love Sales... at the moment DJ's and Myer have their clearance sales.
I have gotten new shoes, a new pair of jeans and a new top for $190..which is a saving of about $200!!
S and I have decided to buy some Ralph Lauren bedding and towels online. We did a rough costing today and all up for a sheet set, quilt cover and 4 towels it will cost $200 (not including postage). In Australia the towels are $99.95 each, so we are saving a lot of money!
We are getting - 

This quilt cover... very old fashioned, but I love it!
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
On the weekend, we celebrated S's Mum's 50th birthday. S's family own a farm which is where the party was held. Caterer's were hired to come in (that had a 2 hat rating) and overall the night was just perfect.
The amazing food
My dog Teddy and I...he was pretty tired
Every good party needs balloons
Table settings
We didn't end up going to bed until 4am..definitely the best party this year!
Number one..
I used to be on the blog bandwagon, but after three posts I pretty much forgot about it..that is until my addiction to Vogue forums started. Clicking on random people's blogs and reading about all these different people has inspired me to again start a blog.
A bit about me...
My name is Rhiannon. I live in the Inner West of Sydney with my parter S and our little schnauzer Teddy. I work full time and do uni by correspondence (exciting, I know :-S).
I think through my blog posts you will get to know me more, so I will keep it short for now!